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Nama : Cut the Rope FULL FREE Apk
Version : 3.3.0
Ukuran Apk : 44 mB
Developer & Publisher : ZeptoLab
Platform : Android Device / Emulator Android
Uploaded : 6 November 2017
Rilis Awal : 25 Oktober 2017
Min Android : 4.1 (Jelly Bean) +
More Info : GooglePlay Store
Cut the Rope FULL FREE Terbaru
GooglePlay Official DESCRIPTION
No Special Requirements
Offline Mode
Offline Mode
Min Android : 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
GoogleDrive | ZippyShare | SolidFiles | MediaFire | DataFileHost | Mirrors
Official Link : Google Play Store
[ Cara Atasi Limit Kuota Download GoogleDrive ] | Nih, Game Android yang sangat seru untuk di mainkan, Game ini merupakan seri permainan Fisika bergenre teka-teki, sehingga Untuk memainkan Cut The Rope For Android ini di perlukan kemampuan berfikir anda. Cut The Rope Apk Free Download ini tidak hanya bisa di mainkan oleh orang dewasa, remaja, dll. namun sangat baik juga untuk dimainkan anak-anak, sebab permainan nya yang sangat unik dan mengasah fikiran. Dan kemungkinan besar anda tidak akan cepat bosan dengan Cut The Rope Apk Mega MOD Apk ini sebab jalan cerita, tingkatan level yang selalu meningkat kesulitanya, serta efek animasi dari game nya sangat bagus, lucu, dan menggemaskan.
Cut The Rope MOD Apk Full Free ini pada awal Game akan menjelaskan ceritanya (Story Game), yaitu Anda akan menerima sebuah paket di depan pintu Rumah anda, dalam paket box tersebut anda akan menemui makhluk Hijau kecil lucu bernama Om Nom. Kemudian anda akan merawat Makhluk lucu tersebut dengan memberikan makanan kepadanya berupa permen. Jika anda bisa mendapatkan 3 bintang, maka anda akan mendapatkan nilai perfect. Pada awal permainan anda akan merasakan mudahnya permainan, namun jangan senang dulu, sebab semakin meningkat level permainan, maka tingkat kesulitan juga semakin tinggi. Artinya level permainan berbanding lurus dengan tingkat kesulitan nya.
Meskipun pada level permainan akan lebih sulit, kami akan membantu anda agar tetap bisa memenangkan permainan dan mendapaatkan perfect stars dengan mudah, yaitu dengan menginstall Cut The Rope MOD Apk ini. Game ini merupakan versi MOD (modification) yang memungkinkan anda untuk mendapatkan bantuan tak terbatas, Kekuatan super (Super Powers), dan magnet tak terbatas untuk menarik permen ke tempat yang anda inginkan.
Tunggu apa lagi, Segera rasakan keseruan Game Android Cut The Rope Free download ini dan nikmati fitur terbaiknya ....😄😄😄
Nama : Cut the Rope FULL FREE Apk
Version : 3.3.0
Ukuran Apk : 44 mB
Developer & Publisher : ZeptoLab
Platform : Android Device / Emulator Android
Uploaded : 6 November 2017
Rilis Awal : 25 Oktober 2017
Min Android : 4.1 (Jelly Bean) +
More Info : GooglePlay Store
- MOD Game
- MOD Unlimited Hints
- MOD Unlimited Super Powers
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- Full Game
- Easy Controll
- Other ...
Cut the Rope FULL FREE Terbaru
Sweet Pumpkin Pie! Halloween is Om Nom's favorite time of year and Cut the Rope is back with a spookalicious update!
- Check out the brand new Jack O'Candy
- Complete levels to discover all of Om Nom's trick or treating outfits
- The creepy-crawlies are roaming... watch out for spider webs and bat colonies!
Cut the Rope FULL FREE Terbaru Latest version Description :=======================
750 million downloads worldwide!
Eager to learn more about Om Nom's adventures? Watch "Om Nom Stories" cartoons and other amazing videos on our YouTube channel!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY! Collect gold stars, discover hidden prizes and unlock exciting new levels in this addictively fun, award-winning, physics-based game!
Game awards:
Apple Design Award
Pocket Gamer Award
GDC Award
Best App Ever Award
Key features:
- 17 boxes with 425 levels
- Innovative physics gameplay
- Adorable character
- Outstanding graphics
- "Om Nom Stories" animation shorts
- Superpowers
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Now you can earn free superpowers by trying new apps from Getjar. All these permissions allows us to give you Superpowers and Star Key for free.
• "Get Tasks" permission. This allows us to give you free Superpowers. If you install an app for a free Superpower, this permission tells us when you have opened it. No other data is captured or stored.
• "Get Accounts" permission. This creates a user account for you so you can restore upgrades and purchases.
• "Access Network State" permission. This allows us to determine if WiFi is available and use that instead of the Carrier Network.
• "Internet" permission. This allows us to communicate on the internet.
• "Read Phone State" permission. This is required by some advertisers. No private data is captured or stored.
Help us improve our games. We love your feedback. Contact us at
REQUIREMENTS750 million downloads worldwide!
Eager to learn more about Om Nom's adventures? Watch "Om Nom Stories" cartoons and other amazing videos on our YouTube channel!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY! Collect gold stars, discover hidden prizes and unlock exciting new levels in this addictively fun, award-winning, physics-based game!
Game awards:
Apple Design Award
Pocket Gamer Award
GDC Award
Best App Ever Award
Key features:
- 17 boxes with 425 levels
- Innovative physics gameplay
- Adorable character
- Outstanding graphics
- "Om Nom Stories" animation shorts
- Superpowers
* Facebook:
* Twitter:
* Website:
* Pinterest:
* Instagram:
Now you can earn free superpowers by trying new apps from Getjar. All these permissions allows us to give you Superpowers and Star Key for free.
• "Get Tasks" permission. This allows us to give you free Superpowers. If you install an app for a free Superpower, this permission tells us when you have opened it. No other data is captured or stored.
• "Get Accounts" permission. This creates a user account for you so you can restore upgrades and purchases.
• "Access Network State" permission. This allows us to determine if WiFi is available and use that instead of the Carrier Network.
• "Internet" permission. This allows us to communicate on the internet.
• "Read Phone State" permission. This is required by some advertisers. No private data is captured or stored.
Help us improve our games. We love your feedback. Contact us at
No Special Requirements
Offline Mode
Offline Mode
Min Android : 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
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GoogleDrive | ZippyShare | SolidFiles | MediaFire | DataFileHost | Mirrors
Official Link : Google Play Store
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